Suzanne Snijder van Wissenkerke
I grew up in Minnesota, close to nature, studying science and music. Traveling through my 20s, and living in Asia, then Europe, I taught English while immersed in other cultures. When my husband’s job took us to the USA, I was ready at age 31 to try something new. Massage therapy, a part-time job while our kids were young, developed into a purposeful direction for me. Over the years of continuing ed, I learned gentle osteopathic techniques (craniosacral, visceral) which helped expand my therapeutic focus to whole-body patterns. This “less is more” approach is a perfect complement to Somatic Experiencing, where we support embodiment of the whole person, through relationship. Where we don’t “fix” people, but elicit the natural healing response.
More About Me
In relocating this year from California to Oregon, I’m still finding my way around. Just finding our way: isn’t that what we’re all doing? And yet, I was pretty clueless about this universal truth as a young person, buying into the cultural value of being self-sufficient, finding answers on my own. My tough armor finally began to soften after learning in my Somatic Experiencing ® training about the many ways our nervous systems protect us. I became newly ready to receive needed support which – over time – transformed how I connect with the world and with people. No longer always in flight mode, I’m so grateful to be here, expressing my creativity, socially engaged and available. As I get to know my new neighborhood, you’ll often find me out gardening, hiking with family or friends, or singing in a community chorus.
My somatic practice is enriched by decades of learning about structure and alignment, physiology and touch, attachment and human behavior.
1980, B.A. Biology and East Asian Studies
St. Olaf College
1991 - Present, member of Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals
1998, Certified with Paul St John
Structural/Functional Neuromuscular Therapy
1998, Craniosacral Therapy
with Amini Peller, Heartwood Institute
1998, Visceral Manipulation
Barral Institute
2000-2002, Somatic Experiencing
with Raja Selvam, Peter Levine
2002 - present, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Lifetime Member; Training Assistant. Approved provider of both personal sessions and individual case consults for SE participants studying at all levels in the 3-year SE(™) professional training. Assisting SE(™)trainings yearly since 2002, with SEI faculty including: Peter Levine, Raja Selvam, Kathy Kain, Maggie Kline, Sonja Gomez, Abi Blakeslee, Dave Berger, Berns Galloway, Ariel Giarretto.
2015, Ron Mariotti, ND at Barral Institute
Visceral Manipulation
2017, Kathy Kain and Steven Terrell
Somatic Regulation and Resilience
2020, Kathy Kain
Somatic Narrative and Viscera
2024, Kathy Kain
Coupling Dynamics