
Letting the creative work flow
Suzanne is a genius at healing. I don't say that lightly. For nearly as long as I can remember, I've had issues with doing solo work - especially writing. I've always had tons of ideas and I could get other people excited about them, but the moment I'd get near paper or a keyboard to make things real - poof! All gone. Instead, confusion and dissociation, paralysis, indecision, self-loathing. Sometimes I could do what needed to be done, but only with huge amounts of effort and pain, and never in a "professional" manner. And it was really holding up my career. I had tried everything - coaching, cognitive-behavioral therapy, goal setting, visualization, ADD meds, spiritual healing, you name it. Things would work a little, but nothing really transformative.
Until working with Suzanne. In our sessions feel like I'm working through stuff I never had access to any other way. Sometimes I walk in feeling heavy and out of it. Suzanne goes right to the spot, and a few minutes later I feel myself reacting differently from the inside out - feeling light and calm, yet responsive and fully connected. Between visits I also feel things moving differently. It feels like I have more influence on my consciousness and can be more responsive in my day to day environment. I don't have to suffer and delay until I can find the superhuman strength to produce - for the first time I'm working ahead instead of procrastinating! Without it being a big deal.
I highly recommend the somatic approach. Suzanne seems to use a few different modalities - I don't particularly understand the mechanics of what she does (and I don't need to!). But I do know what talent, deep intuition and years of practice look like, and I can tell you that Suzanne has really got it going on.
— Kim
From trauma to enjoying life and relationships
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your somatic experiencing practice. Over the past 5 years I have seen the positive changes this has brought to my life. Healing deep trauma has helped me discover a much more enjoyable way of experiencing life and relating to others. You are just amazing.
— Maria
Showing up; more authentic
Through our work together I am showing up in the world with more grounded, authentic, and comfort in my own skin. My voice is lower. Lower in register, and also orginiating lower in my body. More authentic, not performative.
I have been able to identify points of pain not accessed in all those years of talk therapy ... And those points of pain are moving through now. I am successfully negotiating boundaries with college classmates so our group projects are going smoother than they were 6 months ago. I am able to not take it personally (even laugh!) when my dad micromanages a project for which I have lots of expertise. That's his stuff not mine. And I am actually dating and navigating new relationships in a far more intentional and thoughtful way. I feel like I can show up as myself and as a result I am capable of more authentic relationships.
— Robert D.
Holistic, fibromyalgia relief
My fibromyalgia came on very suddenly and severely, taking away my dreams and my abilities. I felt like my body had fallen apart, and I no longer trusted it. Suzanne helped me to turn that around, to see all that was still working right in my body, and to feel able again. Since our work, I have been able to hike, camp, and even dance— when months before, I could barely get out of bed! My regained strength, reduced pain, increased energy, and more harmonious flow have given me my life back.
— Kristen S.
Wisdom of innate movement
Thank you for validating my body's innate tendency to move freely and powerfully, reminding me of the wisdom that guides these movements. This is something that has been shamed and quieted/ stifled in the past. Also my neck knot has been acting up all week, it knows we're catching on to it.
— Hannah F.
Listening to what my body needs
I’m doing so well! I’m feeling more in my body and realizing my body actually has its own voice! I am starting to listen when to want to eat or walk or lie down — or even scream or wiggle around and stretch. All the change after just a few sessions with you — it’s amazing to me. I am going to continue with my healing journey for sure! God bless you!
— Jameelah M.
Renewed focus on possibility
I am excited! Our work together has been so inspiring and positive for me. After years of pain, I truly hated my body, like it was sabotaging all my best efforts. I tried so hard to fix what was "wrong." I'm grateful for your skills in prompting my body to consider new ways of being, and for the big-hearted way in which you've approached my long-standing issues and concerns. Trusting that my body is naturally moving toward functioning well, I'm better able to allow it to happen. When I experience pain, it's now in context of this natural process, so it doesn't grab all my focus away. Thank you!
— Harsi P.
Organic path to pattern/ symptom relief
I’ve had a lot of different types of therapy and therapists over the course of my life, but I’ve never met anyone like Suzanne. It usually takes some time to overcome initial barriers and become comfortable with a therapist, but I trusted her immediately. I was impressed by her ability to be attuned and by her openness and her delightful sense of humor. She is well-versed in several different therapeutic modalities and combined them easily with SE work to create an approach that was not only organic but specifically and exactly suited to me. Through working with her, I’ve been able to shift lifelong emotional energetic patterns and their accompanying physical symptoms, and the relief I feel is profound. The work I’ve done with Suzanne has helped me enormously.
— Kate M.
Really getting that I'm not broken
“Heartfelt thanks for the gifts you offered and gave to me today. I've experienced such a lift as I consider that there's nothing to fix ... as I'm not broken. Laying this foundation is dreamy. I know I've been a-journey for quite a while, and I'm def on the path. Still, today, I have a greater sense of it.”
— Patricia
Sense of myself as a resilient container
I am an artist in my mid-forties. I spent many years of my life in psychotherapy and self help, but could not seem to shake the perpetual emotional pain and anxiety which crippled my daily functioning. A friend shared books about Somatic Experiencing, and I realized I could not heal myself alone. I found Suzanne via the "Find a Practitioner" at www.traumahealing.com. Her gentle style immediately put me at ease and established a relationship of trust.
I really appreciate how Suzanne is available for me when I am triggered. A phone call or visit to her office resets my attitude and empowers me to proceed with my day calmly. She reads me so well, picking up on subtle signs how my system is doing. Her supportive touch is tremendously healing as it enables me to discharge pent-up anxiety and stress. As our series of sessions continues, I am putting experiences in her office together with the lingo I learned while reading about S.E.; gaining a tangible sense of myself as a resilient container.
Receiving her gentle visceral bodywork [an osteopathic approach that complements S.E.] is making me aware of my own internal anatomy, and awakening my inner health advocate. This year I got serious about attending regular [every 2 weeks] sessions. Rather than just soothing me and helping me to put out emotional fires, I have made significant progress in both my personal and professional life. I feel that Suzanne's help has empowered me with the confidence to meet with clients and to achieve artwork I never had the stamina for before. I feel very fortunate to have discovered her practice.
— JM
Pre-exam anxiety stabilized
I am so incredibly grateful to you, Suzanne, for helping me through the stress of Board Exams. Being able to combine counseling, body awareness, massage and practical feedback made you uniquely equipped to provide me with support in so many different ways. During a vulnerable time for me, you were knowledgeably understanding, able to help me find the lighter moments, and help me keep this challenge in perspective. Your guidance in finding my resources moment by moment prevented my last-minute "exam panic" from derailing my thorough study preparation. I passed!!
— Rachel M.
Can feel irritation without blame/shame
My stuck patterns of relating with my husband have shifted. I was stuck, trying to hold it all together for everybody, then would end up lashing out at something trivial. Over several months, my body now can feel irritated without the emotional charge. And when you asked me to notice the support available within my default collapsed posture, wow! that shows up mostly in my spine. It feels like power, openness, being seen. Thank you!
— Rajni